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Wednesday, December 31, 2008


everyone have a happy new year...

Tuesday, December 30, 2008




Sunday, December 28, 2008

the next three days....

well i have to do labs tommorrow for the doctor... and take jasmine to lighthouse mini.. she will find out her moved in date to start the program... tuesday she gets her ultrasound to see how far along she really is..i dont think may 15th is the due date..more like april..and to see if im having a keeping my fingers cross.. and wednesday i will take a long drive to go see ernesto in jasper fl...5miles from ga state line... i will updated... bon

Saturday, December 27, 2008

i hope i know what im doing right now... i feeling my way on my page... and im going to try is some pics.... i cant believe it.. i did it.. my little princess keosha.... and my big girl princess passion... the tinky butt girls...granny love u..

Friday, December 26, 2008


i get it... i can decorate my page... like i do on myspace... im so happy....thanks to mare... and me putting the noodle on .... the on

Thursday, December 25, 2008


Merry Christmas...we waiting on granddaddy santa to take his bath... he just got in from work... so we can open presents...the grandbabys been up since 2:30 am.. and its 6:16 right now...and they are waiting and waiting.. pics be up later... bonnie

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

but mare...............

your cookies look good.... i dont know how to bake ... unless there pilsbury anyways.. tommorrow i have to cook the turkey.... so i dont have to do anything on x-mas day.. but take pics of my babys and eat...bon

i been offline and no phone.,.....

since saturday afternoon... and i had to wait til today to get back online and phone... dang... living w/out my pc and phone... i mean i did have my cell and i have the net on the phone... but i was going nuts... pics of xmas will be up on christmas days... raelynn and mare... im very hungry those cookies..looked good.... bonnie

Friday, December 19, 2008

i turned

dang the big one is around the corner... when that one comes.. u are all invited... open i went to work as usual... and jessica.. told me to put my food and gifts for the kids in the car before gunther gets to the church..i said ok... so.. as we walked back into the church... well i walked in f-1 and the kids sang happy birthday to me... later on...i noticed some of the staff was gone... and corey..(my boss) says to the kids .. we have a big surprise for you and bonnie come with me.. its upstairs.. well i said core.. why we going up the stairs.. so the staff w/ cake and 1 candle sing happy b-day to me.. and mario.. coreys bro.. booty shook me and i hugged and told each of them and said i loved them.. and said thanks..... what a was a good birthday .. one i will remember.... bonnie

Monday, December 15, 2008

my boy... gunny

xmas concert tonight.. my boy... lookin frest as always....

gunthers xmas concert....

is tonight at george jenkins high school... mare do u need directions... i will post will have pics up tonight...bonnie

Friday, December 12, 2008

its cold guys...yes cold i say... in florida....

dang its cold outside tonight... and i really dont want to turn the heat on... i want a lower electric more week of work and the kids are out of school....i get to sleep in for two weeks... yeah.... if i can...i let gunther go to the club vert again tonight...gee im letting my baby go out and function in this crazy world...well i anit doing anything this wkend...doing jack...bonnie

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

christmas program was tonight.....

the 50+ kids did a awesome job... thank god its school will be out on my special day... in a wk and half....hello....bonnie

Thursday, December 4, 2008

pregant elf decorated the house....

for me...and she is almost done....wonder who gonna put it away....p-dogg elfman will do

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

paid bills...and

did a little xmas shopping... and watching y&r before i go to we practice and wed.&thrus... for our xmas program next tuesday 12/09... u are all welcome to come... at my church....bon

Monday, December 1, 2008

time to go back to work...

so glad to go back to work,after thanksgiving week off...but before u know it.. i will have two weeks off at the end of december.. i hate my pay cks in nov.dec...oh well...but i dread going x-mas shopping...and i got to decorate the the bills..etc....let me finished drinking my peppermint mocha..from starbucks...i have a million of these this bon

Thursday, November 27, 2008

willies father died.....

today.. willie called his mother for thanksgiving day.. and she told us... that charlie daddy(my father in law) died a week & half ago...friday and buried him monday(past) one called us to let us know that he died... willie is the oldest son of 23 children... i cant believe this ****...this is not so pissed off...this is a big family... and some members in this agee family hold on to things about how and who charlie daddy did in life...all i know is.. his daddy execepted me...14 yrs ago...with open arms..and was proud to have gunther as a grandchild.... me and will and gunt would go see him in the nursing home..and managed to get on the face page of his contacts to be notify if something happen..including letting any other family memebers know how to get in touch w/us...well it didnt happen...i know im not suppose to hate... but they all can go to **** dare they...not let the oldest son know...i wont forgive or forget... i know not to be that way.. but i loved my father in law... as if he was my own own father never knowledge me... i told gunther to be strong for his granddaddy.. and he is in heaven now... we love u charlie bonnie,willie,gunther,jasmine,ernesto...and your great grandbabies....


to everyone...its time to eat....

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


thanks mare... i went to layout.. i think i got it...i could kick myself..i know when i see it or something i can put 2&2 together... so look forward.. when i changed my layouts ...bon

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

today is very important day...

freddys annvi. death... i added this video to myspace so i can watch it all the time... and sharing this video on facebook...for all to view.. everytime i watch this video.. he makes me cry... R.I.P. ....FREDDY!!!!!!!!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

to u mare...

hey hon... i still dont know what im doing to make my page look like something... i mean ..i enjoy looking at yours weekly and all i know how to do is change the pics.... lol... tell todd and the boys i said hey..miss bon

Thursday, November 20, 2008


only 125.00 worth of damage to the car...bonnie

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

gunther aka....p-dogg is in the dog house.......

what a day... i get an email from the 1st period teacher.. and gunther has been not getting to class on time..(lying and such)..and today he made the school his jeans instead of going to i wrote back an email to her and told her it will be taken care of.. then 10am this morning i hurt my beloved honda(07)civic ... i hit a iron/concrete sidewalk and damage the left bumper and light...then went to work..everything cool... until.. p-dogg pushes some kid and getting ready to fight him..before i lefted work.. gunther says he is walking home.. a 3 min. walk..he didnt make it home... so i go looking for him in the neighborhood, back at the church.. talked to my boss..went around the lake,ck the house again and ck the library, went down some streets.. me and jasmine go get willie and saw a cop... so im making a child missing report and told the cop he does not do this ...ever... the boy comes walking from the library parking lot.. and i asked where the* --*were you..he said the library..yelled at him and told the cop thank-you and told willie he better take care of this or else... so we took care of it..if u know what i i went to starbucks and got me a large tea.. to settle my nerves... boy this was a good day...not.... love to all .... bonnie

Sunday, November 16, 2008


my baby tatooed his lower right arm..with my name bonnie on it... now thats love...from a son to his mother... love u dude...

Friday, November 14, 2008

news alert....

i let gunther go to club vert at our church tonight....very i let my child go out to have fun..just wanted to let u all know.. letting him fly his wings a bit... he is my last child...i know i have to let

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

ernesto moved.....

this is the third time they moved prison..why i dont know.. he wont tell me...everytime they move him.. they give a new photo..on myspace page i added a new album for ernesto..updated pics of him...(various mugshots)..i love u strong baby

Monday, November 10, 2008

this week...who knows...

dont know whats in store for this week..i dont know how im going to feel...something is going down...i have a feeling...someone needs to give and be on myside...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

THANK U JESUS...!!!!!!


Tuesday, November 4, 2008



Tuesday, October 28, 2008


tommorrow at church we are having trunk-n-treat ...where kids go from car to car to get candy.. plus there is going to be bouncing things there free food..etc.. so i invite u all to means u mare...and i will be taking the girls trick-n-treating friday night......will be taking pics and i will post them... bon

Saturday, October 25, 2008

family as of today...10/25.....08

i have offiical temp. custody of the girls as of yesterday..(papers) the girls had to be ck out by a doctor yesterday in bartow, fl ...dcf said it was a requirement.. they said i can apply for food stamps because i went from 3 in a family to i will do here goes... the blog i wrote the other day i will try to write (what i remember)i just deleted... in order for jasmine to get back the girls..she has to get a job and aa meetings..get counseling...and by the way... she is two months pregant...(may 09)...ok...what will jaz do...knowing my daughter like i do...she is very mickey d's job will pay the rent or, clothes..etc...jaz is a 8th grade drop no education...with job skills ..she is limited for jobs...she lost her housing from the government for good.. she does get to apply for section 8 when they takes apps again...the other day i took jasmine to bartow, fl to get copy of the charges..(that were dropped) self defense.. and ck to see if she had to go to court..they said no.. after that we put a restraining order on the girls father and we go to court on the 4th of nov.. and he will get served while sitting in jail on volitaion of probation...i had listen to jasmine side of the story... he threaten to kill her and she fought him back and hit him with the baseball bat...she was in jail for 23 days and they dropped the i got that done... i love my daughter... but i know it maybe a couple of years before she gets the girls back.. and im sure i will be taking care of an infant in may..jasmine doesnt get off her butt well...and i know she wont fight hard enough to get the girls back.. she knows mommy will do it..take care of them..she did get an appointment for counseling next wk.. and there is a church down town for aa meetings... is she looking for a job.. there is any right now....ernesto is in the hole and he wont tell my why... and as long as he is in the hole.. i cant visit him...he is near gainesville fl.. two grown adult children... gunther is slipping up at school and i had to go to the school the other day to get and log on the website... where i can see if he is doing homework or classroom assignments and see if he disrespect teachers... they have my email address to keep in touch with gunther is mad at mama... dang.... im a mommy...granny... and wife... willie somewhere in the take care to all


hey loss..i have two blank blogs and i cant seem to delete them..i had a omg....long blog i wrote and i got mad and i deleted and i wrote the blog on girl im loss as u.. bon lol

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

some news.....

hey u all.. its me butterball baby... my daughter jaz came home from jail...and they dropped the charges against her...self defense...she told me what happen..and i listened and the idoit told me she was the problem..i mean its a mess...but..i always told my baby... dont let a man lay his hands on you..fight back no matter needless to say i will be writing him a letter asking him and why he is lying and hurt my baby..she came to visit her children today..passion (4)b-day is tommorrow and we will have a little get together..i love my daughter very much..she does put me thru some bs..but..i know i raise a strong woman..(not like me)not to take crap from anyone..she does need to tone it down..put she is stronger then me..(we all know what kind of backround i came from) kids had a better life then i did..enough of this... guys i am managing facebook,myspace,classmates and dashboard...i got myspace down like a pro and classmates was easy.. still having trouble with facebook and dashboard...i will get them right some day... dang..i never thought i would be blogging... but i like it...time for dinner and give the grandbabies a u all... bon.... remember go vote...........

Monday, October 6, 2008

guess what............

im a grandma again.... jasmines first boyfriend vladimir (yes he is my son in law for life)who is in germany(army) has gotten married last may and had a son in aug.08..this is the happiest news for me right now...i forgot i had his yahoo address and i was going thru my addresses and took a chance to write him and i got back in touch with him...i ve known him for the last 10 years and we always keep in touch...but lost contact for about a year and a half.. i was so surprise to see his email and he send me a pic.. its on my desktop now...i told him some of the bs the older two kids have put me thru... he loves gunther to death and loves me and willie.. he calls me mah... i miss him so much.. love u guys... go to myspace and go under family photos to see my babys...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


hey guys...this is bonnie from fla..miss all of u that know me...and who knows me here in hott hott fla...i love myspace bigtime so ck out my page..tons of pics of the grandbabies..gunther..some of or two of jasmine... jasmine, ernesto and gunther have there own myspace ck them husband and i just celebrated 13 yrs of marriage on the 22nd of sept... the grandbabies are...passion who is 4 and keosha who is 3... i have temp. custody of them for the moment..because jasmine is in jail...long story short.. she has battery charges on her..she hit the girls father.. plus she is in trouble with children and familys..for abusing the girls.. that part of the story is... i opened my mouth... i work at a after school program at my church and deal with 60 kids five days a wk....and i took that child protection act class... its time for me to take care of the girls now cause..jasmine isnt a good mother... ernesto is in prision and doesnt get out til 2012 he stoleA(wrote and forged) my husbands name on our personal cking acct... and they gave him 6 yrs..damn lifes to hang in there... i love my children... and yes two of them are adults but i cant and i wont help them learning to say no.... gunther is 13yrs old and he still needs me and will and i need to take care of my grandbabies...we making it..somewhat...but ive been a fighter all my life...and i keep going... jasmine is 27yrs old now and stupid..ernesto is 21 and came out...he is gay and i will support him 100%...and gunther is in chours and art at school and is in that after school program at my church...hes been in the program since kindergarden and he is in 7th grade now... will and i...are hangin.. he makes me laugh and he has a smile on his face everyday..i really do believe god gave him to me and gunther at a time in my life for the better... the last 14 years have been my was tough being a single parnet @ two kids.. but when will came into my life..i knew i had something.... in jan.07 will had a heart attack...9 months later he got laid off from his job that he had for over 21 yrs... now we have nothing including health insurance...and i new car.. i dont know how we are manganing but were doing it.. i love u the way...time to ........

