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Saturday, November 22, 2008

to u mare...

hey hon... i still dont know what im doing to make my page look like something... i mean ..i enjoy looking at yours weekly and all i know how to do is change the pics.... lol... tell todd and the boys i said hey..miss bon

Thursday, November 20, 2008


only 125.00 worth of damage to the car...bonnie

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

gunther aka....p-dogg is in the dog house.......

what a day... i get an email from the 1st period teacher.. and gunther has been not getting to class on time..(lying and such)..and today he made the school his jeans instead of going to i wrote back an email to her and told her it will be taken care of.. then 10am this morning i hurt my beloved honda(07)civic ... i hit a iron/concrete sidewalk and damage the left bumper and light...then went to work..everything cool... until.. p-dogg pushes some kid and getting ready to fight him..before i lefted work.. gunther says he is walking home.. a 3 min. walk..he didnt make it home... so i go looking for him in the neighborhood, back at the church.. talked to my boss..went around the lake,ck the house again and ck the library, went down some streets.. me and jasmine go get willie and saw a cop... so im making a child missing report and told the cop he does not do this ...ever... the boy comes walking from the library parking lot.. and i asked where the* --*were you..he said the library..yelled at him and told the cop thank-you and told willie he better take care of this or else... so we took care of it..if u know what i i went to starbucks and got me a large tea.. to settle my nerves... boy this was a good day...not.... love to all .... bonnie

Sunday, November 16, 2008


my baby tatooed his lower right arm..with my name bonnie on it... now thats love...from a son to his mother... love u dude...

