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Saturday, October 10, 2009

Monday, October 5, 2009

so many things u could say.........

TO ALL MY HATERS......KISS MY.....***....****** *** the list could go on and on......

Sunday, October 4, 2009

hey all.....

as i said on facebook on my status... we are on secert double poor....i mean poor i changed the service on the combo phone/net/ more blackberry...i have this piece of **** samsumg...high school classmate told me to change the bulbs to cfc so i can do that.. cuz the bill rates went up...had a talk with my we pay the car of now.(he said yes)... so we are going do to a hardship letter on the 401k take most of if out so we dont get penalize from irs....and take what left which anit much and reinvest it to a fidelity thingy..i knw others out there are hittin there saving...i feel so bad...willie work hard for this money...and as good as a man he is...he tells me that sweets money...cuz i take care of all financial things since jaz has been born.. if we dont do this money exchange i could give the car up and screw the credit up( which is already at the level)but not the car note...havent missed a pymt in 15 yrs(four cars later).... wlllie job at the bar is basically downsized also...this idiot who runs the place is money hungry..(treats his employees like crap). he is making his cooking crew clean the that means will loses 30% of his pay... which mean we cleans the restrooms sweep/mop the lobby/bar and vacuum the whole i dont have to help him..but i will help him on fri/sat do our deep cleaning of the joint...since harrys took over cleaning the floor...what do i on the floor...omg..they cant keep the kitchen clean and now the floor.(the mang dont worry about it)..this cuttin corners big time..who the **** is he trying to impress.. 2 months ago he got in troulbe from cooperate for the kitchen not being the the mang...told me to hang in there he will get caught... she is also trying to get willie a job there doing dishes..we need a extra payck..i dont care what we have to do we need money to live...this sucks....i think we are in a depression not ressession..its getting bad out there....couple of the parents at church where i work are losing there bullshit....come on....when is the light going to out

