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Wednesday, October 1, 2008


hey guys...this is bonnie from fla..miss all of u that know me...and who knows me here in hott hott fla...i love myspace bigtime so ck out my page..tons of pics of the grandbabies..gunther..some of or two of jasmine... jasmine, ernesto and gunther have there own myspace ck them husband and i just celebrated 13 yrs of marriage on the 22nd of sept... the grandbabies are...passion who is 4 and keosha who is 3... i have temp. custody of them for the moment..because jasmine is in jail...long story short.. she has battery charges on her..she hit the girls father.. plus she is in trouble with children and familys..for abusing the girls.. that part of the story is... i opened my mouth... i work at a after school program at my church and deal with 60 kids five days a wk....and i took that child protection act class... its time for me to take care of the girls now cause..jasmine isnt a good mother... ernesto is in prision and doesnt get out til 2012 he stoleA(wrote and forged) my husbands name on our personal cking acct... and they gave him 6 yrs..damn lifes to hang in there... i love my children... and yes two of them are adults but i cant and i wont help them learning to say no.... gunther is 13yrs old and he still needs me and will and i need to take care of my grandbabies...we making it..somewhat...but ive been a fighter all my life...and i keep going... jasmine is 27yrs old now and stupid..ernesto is 21 and came out...he is gay and i will support him 100%...and gunther is in chours and art at school and is in that after school program at my church...hes been in the program since kindergarden and he is in 7th grade now... will and i...are hangin.. he makes me laugh and he has a smile on his face everyday..i really do believe god gave him to me and gunther at a time in my life for the better... the last 14 years have been my was tough being a single parnet @ two kids.. but when will came into my life..i knew i had something.... in jan.07 will had a heart attack...9 months later he got laid off from his job that he had for over 21 yrs... now we have nothing including health insurance...and i new car.. i dont know how we are manganing but were doing it.. i love u the way...time to ........

